Marquette County Building Codes (Michigan)

Building Departments in Marquette County, Michigan create and enforce building codes and zoning rules to ensure the construction of safe buildings. As part of this job, Building Departments maintain records on Marquette County building codes, reviews of building codes, and record any changes to the code requirements or regulations. They also review and approve building and renovation plans to make sure they meet building codes, and they typically keep records on approved and rejected plans. Marquette County Building Department records can identify building codes, find records of Marquette County violations, and locate approved building plans. These building code documents are often available online through the local Building Department website.

Ishpeming Permits Ishpeming MI 1999-1985 U.s. 41 49849 906-485-1031 Suggest Edit

Marquette City Zoning Marquette MI 300 West Baraga Avenue 49855 906-228-0425 Suggest Edit

Town and City Halls in Marquette County, Michigan provide municipal services for their community, including issuing and enforcing building codes. The Town or City Hall is responsible for ensuring compliance with building codes and investigating possible Marquette County building code violations. They keep records on building codes as well as any changes to the building code, and they may also review and approve building and renovation plans. The Town or City Hall typically has records on approved and rejected plans, investigations of Marquette County building code violations, and any punishments or abatement plans for code violations. These records can be useful for prospective Marquette County property buyers and property owners, and they are typically available through the Town or City Hall website.

Ispheming City Hall Ishpeming MI 100 E Division St 49849 906-485-1091 Suggest Edit

Marquette City Hall Marquette MI 300 West Baraga Avenue 49855 906-228-0446 Suggest Edit

Marquette Township Town Hall Marquette MI 161 County Road 492 49855 906-228-6220 Suggest Edit